FlamepriesT said:Finally getting a little more information... great. This was an enjoyable episode.
That being said, I can't deny the plot convenience in this series has started to really rub me the wrong way. Croix is pretty eager to do something good before the staff is given to Ursula, then suddenly becomes a major bitch because for some reason her jealousy is more important than her goal was. She won't stop misdirecting Akko because she's "Chariot's last hope"... really? Years later and she still hasn't gotten over her irrational burst of jealously? That's not only absurdly convenient, but also as cheesy as it gets.
Then, there's Ursula who lets Croix misdirect Akko and doesn't move a finger in order to change the situation. She doesn't tell anyone else in the school what Croix is up to. She doesn't tell Akko that Croix is full of shit. She still hasn't revealed her identity to Akko because plot convenience.
There was also some stuff that really made me scratch my head in this episode:
(1) Why doesn't Ursula tell Akko the tree has no end in the first place? This doesn't have much to do with finding out the meaning of the word yourself, because it's not directly related to gratitude. Weird. But I guess that's because the whole tree thing is weird if you think about it.
Which brings me to my next point...
(2) There's no connection between gratitude and climbing a tree, unless you do it when it's dangerous and someone saves you. That means Ursula's initial suggestion that Akko should wait is a huge contraction, unless you assume she would get tired of going up and be thankful for the help she'd probably need to get down eventually.
But for that to work, there has to be a catch, which is...
(3) Why on Earth would someone have to climb the tree instead of flying? You can fly around it just fine.
Oh wait, if someone does that, they won't need help and therefore won't feel gratitude. Yeah, let's give this person a handicap.
But that's also flawed, because it would be a major failure if the person climbing brought a broom along to fly back. That's the first thing that would come to my mind if I were to climb a tree that huge. In fact, Chariot had the rod with her the whole time, which supports my argument.
(4) Why would Croix attempt to save Ursula (when she screams) as if she cared about her, when she supposedly only wants to take hope away from her? Then she gives up for no reason whatsoever and lets Ursula fly back and save Akko instead of accomplishing her initial goal because... plot convenience.
(5) Also, still on Croix's behavior, why would she tell Chariot to accept the staff after that burst of jealously, just to act like a bitch in the current time? It's like a case of split personality where one of the personalities forgives the person and the other holds a grudge forever.
Again, this was one of the most fun episodes lately. But why does it have to have so many holes? I'm starting to get tired of this much plot convenience and nonsensical logic.
do you realy think the teacher will believe ursula the things about croix without a proof? i dont think so without proof no one will believe you