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May 28, 2017 8:22 AM

Nov 2011
Glad to see Diana back at school. I feel like the two girls that's always with her starting to treat Akkko a bit better now.

Croix really gave me an uneasy feeling when she was alone with Akko.
I like how they're doing the storytelling by shifting between the past and the present between the Chariot/Croix scenes. It reflects their past relationship and how much it changed in the present.

Great to see Akko's fighting determination as always. Really felt like Chariot and Croix's rivalry reached a peak this episode.
May 28, 2017 9:17 AM

Apr 2010
Ako learned a very importuned thing.
Now the question is, what is Kuroe up to seeing the things that are going on things could get very complicated.
Tho it's nice too know that we can expect something nice for the ending.
May 28, 2017 10:06 AM

May 2015
oh my god


May 28, 2017 10:15 PM

Jun 2015
Got to see some more backstory for Chariot and Croix. Chariot was chosen by the shiny rod, but Croix wasn't. She's been salty about that the whole time. Akko and Ursula had a nice moment. She has unlocked the seventh word. Looks like Croix has built a giant rod for herself.
May 28, 2017 10:25 PM
Dec 2015
Akko is truly an incredible character. From the beginning I've been sold on her. She's charming and adorable for sure, but she is so insanely relatable in her innocent but passionate desire to meet her idol that it's heartwarming and immediately attached me to her. Her dedication feels stubborn and annoying at times, but charming and deeply relatable at others. Simple things like her saving the magic cards and putting her all into everything she does beyond the norm among others (she is so much more multifaceted and real in this than the OVA) makes her inspiring, but her relatability and innocent stubbornness among other facets makes her feel like a real person. The emotional payoff in this episode was absolutely incredible thanks to that. She's grown so much but has a long way to go still, and seeing her accept herself, growth and shortcomings, almost brought me to tears. Some of the other Words didn't sink in as much, but Lyonne, or "Accept it" seems to genuinely have done so, and provides a heartwarming piece of character growth for an already spectacular character. The plot elements they allude to are interesting as well, so I'm super excited to see how this will end. Bravo LWA.

5/5 easily
GamerUngluedMay 29, 2017 9:49 AM
May 28, 2017 10:57 PM
Jan 2009
nice to see some backstory about Croix and Ursula/Chariot

i hope Ursula/Chariot did not lose her magic from that Wagandea tree though

this episode is emotional, glad that Akko regrets her mistakes in the end

1 more word left
May 28, 2017 11:04 PM

Sep 2013

Good amount of drama and tension. I rarely do this but I legitimately wanted Croix to die in this...and that's great! Croix is a great villain in this series. She beat on Ursula and tried to make sure Akko loses her magic which would probably make her unable to use the Shiny Rod.

Like all the other words, the latest word taught Akko to be thankful. That end scene with her and Ursula was very sweet. Now it looks like Croix created her own version of the Shiny Rod.

This episode was fantastic. I hope the final few episodes will live up to my expectations.

May 28, 2017 11:17 PM
Oct 2015
BlackstarFallen said:
Got to see some more backstory for Chariot and Croix. Chariot was chosen by the shiny rod, but Croix wasn't. She's been salty about that the whole time. Akko and Ursula had a nice moment. She has unlocked the seventh word. Looks like Croix has built a giant rod for herself.

She actually unlocked the sixth word. The seventh is unknown.
May 28, 2017 11:50 PM

Dec 2012
Great & Lovely episode.
Nice of Hannah & Barbara to thank Akko for getting Diana back.

Emotional moment between Akko & Ursula Sensei. That was amazing.
Another word down. 1 more to go.
Croix still cares for Ursula/Chariot.

Croix using another method to break the seal on the Grand Triskelion
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

May 28, 2017 11:57 PM

Mar 2016
that pulled my heart strings
May 29, 2017 12:27 AM

Aug 2013
I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty damn pissed off with Akko throughout this episode. Like everything that she's learned through her experiences as well as the lesson behind each word felt like it didn't register in her head. Watching it and seeing how hasty she was trying to get to Wagandea made me want to slap Akko in the face. The biggest lesson she ever needed to learn was Patience and we got that word like...4 or 5 eps ago and she was still acting this way? It was like...omg Akko, you're hopeless! Pretty much everything that was wrong with Akko was shown in this episode and I was worried about the ending but then the big scene towards the end like instantly erased my trigger (pun made). Akko finally sees the error in her ways and recognized how everything she experienced she had not truly grasped in her mind so hopefully going forward into these final four episodes, we'll see how she acts now. Despite my initial rage, that one scene made all my concerns vanish and really made me appreciate Akko all over again.
Don't believe the hype.
May 29, 2017 1:21 AM
Feb 2017
Im so hyped. i got glassy eyes. that was fantastic. that impatience build up into a massive breakdown. i actually thought for a second that Ursula would die there when she fell and she would never get to reveal herself as chariot, and im so glad she didnt. the parallels between chariot and croix too are coming to fruition as we knew they would and i am not dissappointed at all.
If every episode was like this it'd be a straight 10/10 show. who knows I might still end up giving it a 10 but the slog that was eps 12is-17/18ish make it hard. still a strong 9/10 for me though.
every week i struggle to put my thoughts into words because im just TOO DAMN HYPED ALL THE DAMN TIME AFTER FINISHING AN EP.
May 29, 2017 1:24 AM
Feb 2017
GamerUnglued said:
Akko is truly an incredible character. From the beginning I've been sold on her. She's charming and adorable for sure, but she is so insanely relatable in her innocent but passionate desire to meet her idol that it's heartwarming and immediately attached me to her. Her dedication feels stubborn and annoying at times, but charming and deeply relatable at others. Simple things like her saving the magic cards and putting her all into everything she does beyond the norm among others (she is so much more multifaceted and real in this than the OVA) makes her inspiring, but her relatability and innocent stubbornness among other facets makes her feel like a real person. The emotional payoff in this episode was absolutely incredible thanks to that. She's grown so much but has a long way to go still, and seeing her accept herself, growth and shortcomings, almost brought me to tears. Some of the other words didn't sink in as much, but this one seems to genuinely have done so, and provides a heartwarming piece of character growth for an already spectacular character. The plot elements they allude to are interesting as well, so I'm super excited to see how this will end. Bravo LWA.

5/5 easily

My Man. This guy gets it. one million hearts to you.
May 29, 2017 2:14 AM

Oct 2008
Another great emotional episode! OST was nice also!
6th word has been unleashed by Akko. "Lyonne"
Wagandea is just like jack&the bean's stalk...
The way Akko learned the 6th word was the same event that also happened to the young Chariot & Croix.
Croix still bad news for everyone...breaking the seal of the grand triskelion!?

May 29, 2017 3:56 AM
Sep 2012
Still no Chariot reveal. What has to happen for Ursula to just tell Akko the truth since she knows how much it means to her.Looks like if it is choose between life or death, Ursula rather die with that secret. It is so frustrating.

And as much as Croax is to blame for all this, a lot of the blame goes on Ursula for not being up front with Akko. Even if she doesn't want to tell Akko her true identity okay fine, how about warning her about Croax and how she should be wary about her, the exact same stuff Croax said about her, Ursula should have said earlier. This is what happens when you keep secrets.

I was hoping this episode we would finally get Croax motivation for all this, and now I am more confused. First it seemed she is just a poor spot the Shiny Rod rejected her, and Diana is a better sport for Croax, especially since that was her dying mother's dream, and she is mature to accept it, while Croax is bitter, but later we see she came to accept it, so is she is sabotage Akko because she wants Chariot to have the honor. Than it is revealed non of that matters to her, than again she could be lying to herself.

Still I get the feeling whatever Croax is trying to accomplish, I think in her own twisted way she is doing it for Chariot. Either for Chariot to accomplish something, or revenge for both of them. I don't know, I want some complicity here, not a simple "I am evil ha ha", Little Witch is better than that.

On a more positive note, nice to see Hannah and Barbara humble themselves to thank Akko, though clearly them being nice to her did weird Akko out a bit. And according to Sucy, Diana has gone soft, though she always been that way, concerned for others, she is just wording it better.

Some people are mad at Akko for doing some reckless, I am sorry Ursula is to blame for not being upfront with Akko.

May 29, 2017 5:32 AM

Feb 2014
The drama really was ramped up to eleven for this episode, but damn was it really good!

Akko might be stubborn and reckless, but her determination and near realistic personality really makes her very enjoyable to watch and to cheer on as she attempts to climb the endless Wagandea for the sixth word.

It was here that Chariot was chosen instead of Croix. It does explain why Croix and Chariot are on bad term right now and it also goes to show how Croix is planning to take the Grand Triskelion for herself. One more reason for her to be stopped for good. =P

Hannah and Barbara deserves praise as they thank Akko for being able to bring Diana back to the school, in which Akko's reply to them was humble and cute. =)

Four episodes left and only one word remaining. Chariot must reveal her secret to Akko very soon...I hope.
May 29, 2017 5:40 AM

Jan 2015
Croix is just doing what she thought would be so sweet for now, a revenge. Even when it's not directly. Yup, the sweetness for piling up hatred for years and then finally do the action for the name of "Revenge" Even so, Croix may still have some kindness in her to feel the sympathy and just telling Ursula to give up but not stop her.
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May 29, 2017 5:43 AM

Dec 2009
There's a difference between being passionate and being reckless, she could have died or lost her magic, and there's stil the possibility that she's left chariot without powers now. I can only imagine the despair she would go through if she caused her heroine to lose her power due to her idiocy
May 29, 2017 6:09 AM

Jul 2016
I hope you don't have hay fever, because we have a LOT of ground to cover.
From the first few minutes we start with Andrew and Frank (Hey, it's been a long time, Champ!) talking about returning Akko's hat, when it segwayed into the angry mob (Wait, THEY'RE HERE!! HOW???!!!) As it turns out, we get a glimmer of world-building, where we find out that the fans at both sides weren't really friendly with each other, and are using the football controversy to vent out their frustration. Other than the occasional effigy burning and massive damage to public property, it turns out they vent their anger via another medium, and that's where we finally, FINALLY see Prof. Croix's plan in full view. And let me tell you, it's not hot, it doesn't even have CURVES! (No innuendos intended, JUST LOOK AT IT!!).
But we're not here for football controversy, NOPE. We're here for Akko as she looks for the sixth word (It's episode 21, the end is near *sniff*) But as it turns out, it lies somewhere dangerous. As it turns out, the word "Lyonne" lies in a tree where the pollen will snatch away your magic and/or ability to fly, or worse yet, something you hold dear. Ursala tries her best to stop her, but Croix's having none of that and sends Akko off her way. Ursula tries to stop Akko from making the soon-to-be-regretful decision, but in comes Croix to ruin it all. But that doesn't mean she wants to kill Ursula, no far from it. As it turns out, they still see each other as friends, even from way back when. One thing I forgot to acknowledge (myself) is the episode's use of flashbacks. We learn how the search for the words was Croix's journey, but the honor went to Chariot. You know what they say, you don't choose the quest, the quest chooses YOU. Despite all this, despite her pent up rage, she still supported her friend. That was....unlikely. But even though they're still friends, they don't see each other the same way now. This is evident on how Croix knocked Chariot out but since she was unconscious, Croix started to nosedive down there to save her herself. Another highlight of this episode, was Akko's motive and it's contrast to Ursula's. Why DID she want to look for the words? To see Chariot again, that's why. But Ursula didn't see it like that. To her, this quest is something like something a grinchy parent would push to their children. This opens up Ursula's eyes to the big picture, Akko was never in it for the Grand Triskelion, this was about meeting her childhood hero. But as soon as Akko reaches what seems to be the top, the pollen starts spreading, and the end is closing for our little witch. By fully understanding each other, they don't have to worry about getting in each other's way and reach their destination. The two reconcile and Akko finds the sixth word. But all is not well in this side of the woods. Up until this point, we are not fully aware of Croix's plan. I mean, we know it's bad, but what is it exactly. Is it world domination? Extinction of magic? Death to all puppies? *GASP*. It's like knowing there's a murderer in the house, but you don't know who it is. Apparently, from what I can gather, her motive's the same as Akko, the Grand Triskelion. But Croix is not going to say the magic word....or the magic words (Ba-dum-tiss)

It's good to know that Diana and the two bitches actually started acknowledging Akko. And just from that, we find the meaning of this episode, Growth and evolution as a person. The two bitches evolve to be nicer, Diana and Akko grow as characters, Croix evolves into the main baddy, and Chariot/Ursula evolves to be a better teacher/friend.
(YIKES! With posts this long and convoluted, I might as well be on tumblr!)

Wait, Wagandea has no top? YEESH!! Then I hate to be the one to tell that to the last person who's climbing the tree.
ONWARDS! Away from homework and on to more anime!!!
May 29, 2017 6:19 AM
Apr 2012
Zantius said:
I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty damn pissed off with Akko throughout this episode. Like everything that she's learned through her experiences as well as the lesson behind each word felt like it didn't register in her head. Watching it and seeing how hasty she was trying to get to Wagandea made me want to slap Akko in the face. The biggest lesson she ever needed to learn was Patience and we got that word like...4 or 5 eps ago and she was still acting this way? It was like...omg Akko, you're hopeless! Pretty much everything that was wrong with Akko was shown in this episode and I was worried about the ending but then the big scene towards the end like instantly erased my trigger (pun made). Akko finally sees the error in her ways and recognized how everything she experienced she had not truly grasped in her mind so hopefully going forward into these final four episodes, we'll see how she acts now. Despite my initial rage, that one scene made all my concerns vanish and really made me appreciate Akko all over again.
It makes sense that Akko would grow more impatient as the goal gets closer and closer. The more work you put into something, the more desperate you will become making sure it pays off.
May 29, 2017 6:21 AM
Apr 2012
Grim19521 said:
There's a difference between being passionate and being reckless, she could have died or lost her magic, and there's stil the possibility that she's left chariot without powers now. I can only imagine the despair she would go through if she caused her heroine to lose her power due to her idiocy
If she lost her magic, wouldn't her hair revert back to red? Also, how would they get back since neither of them could fly?
May 29, 2017 6:32 AM

Dec 2012
Good episode but... why couldn't Ursula warn Akko about the fake tree ahead of time? She should've known that she was gonna go anyway, I mean, she's done it every time.

Both Croix and Ursula hide secrets from each other to Akko. Perhaps Ursula doesn't want Akko to lose Croix as a supportive figure but when it endangers her life repeatedly, I don't know how much longer I would keep quiet. Now Ursula told her at the end of the episode that the tree has no top, therefore basically telling Akko that Croix is a liar, let's see if that will have some repercussions by the next episode? I doubt it.

The action and pacing were good, and the buildup had a very decent payoff but yeah, what I said above detracts me from giving this ep. a perfect score (like I would gladly give to the last one). Also, I was hoping they'd show more camaraderie between Diana and Akko now that they're kinda 'friends' but that's a minor complaint.

Perhaps any MAL denizen could clear my doubts on why this whole episode was needed? Maybe Akko really needed to endanger her life and come to a hard realization to unlock the 6th word? If that was the case then why did Ursula forbid her to go? Was it on purpose, knowing Akko would go anyways? I'm looking too much into this lol.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
May 29, 2017 6:36 AM

Dec 2009
Bugberry91 said:
If she lost her magic, wouldn't her hair revert back to red? Also, how would they get back since neither of them could fly?

How should i know? Maybe it takes some time until she loses her magic, i don't know, maybe they can just walk back or whatever. I'm not the writter, i just stated a possibility.
May 29, 2017 6:53 AM
Sep 2012
So is Croax the Angela of this story?, even though Diana is suppose to be Ethel, she is way better person than Ethel. (though the 2017 series did improve that character a lot, she actually had some depth)
blfanMay 29, 2017 6:56 AM
May 29, 2017 7:36 AM
Sep 2012
Grim19521 said:
Bugberry91 said:
If she lost her magic, wouldn't her hair revert back to red? Also, how would they get back since neither of them could fly?

How should i know? Maybe it takes some time until she loses her magic, i don't know, maybe they can just walk back or whatever. I'm not the writter, i just stated a possibility.

If that is the case, I predict Croax can going sacrifice her magic for Chariot. I am calling it now.
May 29, 2017 8:34 AM

May 2015
Infatuate said:
Good episode but... why couldn't Ursula warn Akko about the fake tree ahead of time? She should've known that she was gonna go anyway, I mean, she's done it every time.

Perhaps any MAL denizen could clear my doubts on why this whole episode was needed? Maybe Akko really needed to endanger her life and come to a hard realization to unlock the 6th word? If that was the case then why did Ursula forbid her to go? Was it on purpose, knowing Akko would go anyways? I'm looking too much into this lol.

It was needed for Akko to realize how much Ursula cares for her, because all this time Akko didn't seem to show that she's thankful for what Ursula has done for her.

Also, I think she finally learned that she needs to be patient sometimes, even Ursula stated it that she's not patient enough even though she learned that Word
This was a major thing for the character development if you ask me
I just hope that Ursula didn't lose her magic, because I can only imagine how hard would it be for Akko to know that her heroine lost her magic because of her idiocy

Though, this episode was also needed to make some Croix development and to see the background to Chariot/Croix friendship. What happened between them, and all.

For example, I would never know how Chariot got thw Shiny Rod without this episode, I would never know that Croix was the one who told Chariot about the Shiny Rod and that Croix was the one who wanted to get it

it is a needed episode.
I waited for Akko/Ursula hug scene all anime, because it felt like Akko isn't thankful enough. With her apology for her selfishness, I feel satisfied
May 29, 2017 9:13 AM

Mar 2014
Did anyone else see the scissor blade profile picture on twitter? Nice little Easter egg
May 29, 2017 12:18 PM

Sep 2014
Finally getting a little more information... great. This was an enjoyable episode.

That being said, I can't deny the plot convenience in this series has started to really rub me the wrong way. Croix is pretty eager to do something good before the staff is given to Ursula, then suddenly becomes a major bitch because for some reason her jealousy is more important than her goal was. She won't stop misdirecting Akko because she's "Chariot's last hope"... really? Years later and she still hasn't gotten over her irrational burst of jealously? That's not only absurdly convenient, but also as cheesy as it gets.

Then, there's Ursula who lets Croix misdirect Akko and doesn't move a finger in order to change the situation. She doesn't tell anyone else in the school what Croix is up to. She doesn't tell Akko that Croix is full of shit. She still hasn't revealed her identity to Akko because plot convenience.

There was also some stuff that really made me scratch my head in this episode:

(1) Why doesn't Ursula tell Akko the tree has no end in the first place? This doesn't have much to do with finding out the meaning of the word yourself, because it's not directly related to gratitude. Weird. But I guess that's because the whole tree thing is weird if you think about it.

Which brings me to my next point...

(2) There's no connection between gratitude and climbing a tree, unless you do it when it's dangerous and someone saves you. That means Ursula's initial suggestion that Akko should wait is a huge contraction, unless you assume she would get tired of going up and be thankful for the help she'd probably need to get down eventually.

But for that to work, there has to be a catch, which is...

(3) Why on Earth would someone have to climb the tree instead of flying? You can fly around it just fine.

Oh wait, if someone does that, they won't need help and therefore won't feel gratitude. Yeah, let's give this person a handicap.

But that's also flawed, because it would be a major failure if the person climbing brought a broom along to fly back. That's the first thing that would come to my mind if I were to climb a tree that huge. In fact, Chariot had the rod with her the whole time, which supports my argument.

(4) Why would Croix attempt to save Ursula (when she screams) as if she cared about her, when she supposedly only wants to take hope away from her? Then she gives up for no reason whatsoever and lets Ursula fly back and save Akko instead of accomplishing her initial goal because... plot convenience.

(5) Also, still on Croix's behavior, why would she tell Chariot to accept the staff after that burst of jealously, just to act like a bitch in the current time? It's like a case of split personality where one of the personalities forgives the person and the other holds a grudge forever.

Again, this was one of the most fun episodes lately. But why does it have to have so many holes? I'm starting to get tired of this much plot convenience and nonsensical logic.
FlamepriesTMay 29, 2017 12:25 PM
May 29, 2017 12:19 PM

Oct 2014
Croix's motives became even more complicated. Now I didn't understand her at all
PizzaWarriorMay 29, 2017 12:22 PM
May 29, 2017 12:43 PM

Jan 2016
Just wow, I really don't want this to end now. So freakin good! Akko is very relatable and that's what makes Akko a good character. Croix actually cared for Chariot which is surprising, she also screamed her name when she was falling which means that she still cares for Chariot. Ugh Croix is so complicated.

I belive that Akko will in the end learn something very important from all of this and her wish will be connected to that, or maybe stoping Croix if her plan work out
May 29, 2017 12:46 PM

Sep 2014
Andzl said:
Infatuate said:
Good episode but... why couldn't Ursula warn Akko about the fake tree ahead of time? She should've known that she was gonna go anyway, I mean, she's done it every time.

Perhaps any MAL denizen could clear my doubts on why this whole episode was needed? Maybe Akko really needed to endanger her life and come to a hard realization to unlock the 6th word? If that was the case then why did Ursula forbid her to go? Was it on purpose, knowing Akko would go anyways? I'm looking too much into this lol.

It was needed for Akko to realize how much Ursula cares for her, because all this time Akko didn't seem to show that she's thankful for what Ursula has done for her.

That logic doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Ursula is showing Akko the way because she wants Akko to find the words. But she clearly didn't want Akko to go. Not only that, she was also clearly surprised when she was told that Akko went there. So she really meant it and didn't expect Akko to go in the first place (otherwise she should have at the very least tailed Akko).

Let's assume Akko waits because it's dangerous to go now. How on Earth is she going to feel gratitude if the tree isn't dangerous anymore and therefore she won't need to be saved? There are no 2 ways about it - there's a clear hole in the story here, unless you use some really twisted logic to patch it. But even in that case, it would probably be so unconvincing and forced that the hole would still be there, whether or not you care about it.
May 29, 2017 1:12 PM

Jan 2010
Why the fucking hell is Chariot still hiding her identity? Is it because she just wants to make Akko keep going?
May 29, 2017 2:14 PM

Oct 2013
Croix attempting to gaslight Akko with regard to Ursula bugged me, though I was surprised when Ursula was plummeting to earth and Croix saved her at the last moment. The Croix and Chariot backstory was nice, but adult Croix looks transgender with her manly face.

Andrew didn't give Akko back her hat yet.
May 29, 2017 2:41 PM

Jan 2011
redtailrav said:
Andrew didn't give Akko back her hat yet.

More importantly, Akko, being Akko, still hasn't realised her hat's missing. Just as Andrew wanted to, he'll probably be able to return it before she even misses it.
May 29, 2017 6:46 PM
Apr 2011
The character dev't rollback on Akko is terrible. Why teach her patience in a previous episode only to forget it episodes later?

Why is there no Constanze either? But this one is just me.
4 8 15 16 23 42 4 8 15 16 23 42 4 8 15 16 23 42 4 8 15 16 23 42
May 29, 2017 9:31 PM
Mar 2017
LupusWarrior said:
Did anyone else see the scissor blade profile picture on twitter? Nice little Easter egg
and thunder logo from kiznaiver
May 29, 2017 9:41 PM
Apr 2013
the best episode yet, my god, emotional
May 29, 2017 10:11 PM
Jun 2011
FlamepriesT said:
Finally getting a little more information... great. This was an enjoyable episode.

That being said, I can't deny the plot convenience in this series has started to really rub me the wrong way. Croix is pretty eager to do something good before the staff is given to Ursula, then suddenly becomes a major bitch because for some reason her jealousy is more important than her goal was. She won't stop misdirecting Akko because she's "Chariot's last hope"... really? Years later and she still hasn't gotten over her irrational burst of jealously? That's not only absurdly convenient, but also as cheesy as it gets.

Then, there's Ursula who lets Croix misdirect Akko and doesn't move a finger in order to change the situation. She doesn't tell anyone else in the school what Croix is up to. She doesn't tell Akko that Croix is full of shit. She still hasn't revealed her identity to Akko because plot convenience.

There was also some stuff that really made me scratch my head in this episode:

(1) Why doesn't Ursula tell Akko the tree has no end in the first place? This doesn't have much to do with finding out the meaning of the word yourself, because it's not directly related to gratitude. Weird. But I guess that's because the whole tree thing is weird if you think about it.

Which brings me to my next point...

(2) There's no connection between gratitude and climbing a tree, unless you do it when it's dangerous and someone saves you. That means Ursula's initial suggestion that Akko should wait is a huge contraction, unless you assume she would get tired of going up and be thankful for the help she'd probably need to get down eventually.

But for that to work, there has to be a catch, which is...

(3) Why on Earth would someone have to climb the tree instead of flying? You can fly around it just fine.

Oh wait, if someone does that, they won't need help and therefore won't feel gratitude. Yeah, let's give this person a handicap.

But that's also flawed, because it would be a major failure if the person climbing brought a broom along to fly back. That's the first thing that would come to my mind if I were to climb a tree that huge. In fact, Chariot had the rod with her the whole time, which supports my argument.

(4) Why would Croix attempt to save Ursula (when she screams) as if she cared about her, when she supposedly only wants to take hope away from her? Then she gives up for no reason whatsoever and lets Ursula fly back and save Akko instead of accomplishing her initial goal because... plot convenience.

(5) Also, still on Croix's behavior, why would she tell Chariot to accept the staff after that burst of jealously, just to act like a bitch in the current time? It's like a case of split personality where one of the personalities forgives the person and the other holds a grudge forever.

Again, this was one of the most fun episodes lately. But why does it have to have so many holes? I'm starting to get tired of this much plot convenience and nonsensical logic.
do you realy think the teacher will believe ursula the things about croix without a proof? i dont think so without proof no one will believe you
May 29, 2017 10:38 PM

Aug 2013
First time Ursula went up against Croix she went full badass mode. Now she gets tossed around like a rag doll for plot convenience. ok.

Croix essentially became a one dimensional villain now. Holding onto some fucking 15 year old salt because the Shiny Rod didn't pick her. Literally all of her efforts and development in technological magic have been for this moment to make that knock off evil Shiny Rod. Petty doesn't even begin to fucking describe that.

Once again, still no confession to Akko from Ursula that she's really Chariot. And I have a bad feeling that Trigger is just going to cockslap fans with that. Like we wont see it until the VERY last episode, and even then she wont confess, she'll have to go Chariot mode to fight Croix. Then it'll pan to Akko who will have an "oh holy shit, I cannot believe Ursula was Chariot the whole time"...and eventually the episode ends and they'll never build upon it or anything. We'll never get to actually see Akko interacting with Ursula post-reveal. Trigger will force us to be satisfied with knowing that Akko knows the truth. I'd love to see them prove me wrong, but I just don't see it heading in that direction with the amount of episodes left.

blfan said:
Still no Chariot reveal. What has to happen for Ursula to just tell Akko the truth since she knows how much it means to her.Looks like if it is choose between life or death, Ursula rather die with that secret. It is so frustrating.

This. She really doesn't have any reason to hide it. Especially after Akko went off on her about it. She was literally screaming at her that she was going through all of this just to MEET her. And you could see on Ursula's face how much it impacted her...and she STILL didn't reveal it.

You could argue that "oh well once she reveals her identity to Akko, then Akko wont have any motivation to find the last word". Bullshit. If Akko meets her hero/idol/goddess, and that person then told Akko that she needs to find the last word because Chariot herself isn't capable anymore and Akko needs to carry on her dream, AKO WOULD FUCKING JUMP AT THAT CHANCE! "Chariot is entrusting me with completing this super important task she couldn't do?!?!?! Yea I'll do it!"
May 29, 2017 10:42 PM

Aug 2013
FlamepriesT said:
Andzl said:

It was needed for Akko to realize how much Ursula cares for her, because all this time Akko didn't seem to show that she's thankful for what Ursula has done for her.

That logic doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Ursula is showing Akko the way because she wants Akko to find the words. But she clearly didn't want Akko to go. Not only that, she was also clearly surprised when she was told that Akko went there. So she really meant it and didn't expect Akko to go in the first place (otherwise she should have at the very least tailed Akko).

Let's assume Akko waits because it's dangerous to go now. How on Earth is she going to feel gratitude if the tree isn't dangerous anymore and therefore she won't need to be saved? There are no 2 ways about it - there's a clear hole in the story here, unless you use some really twisted logic to patch it. But even in that case, it would probably be so unconvincing and forced that the hole would still be there, whether or not you care about it.

The best I could think of is that maybe Ursula was hoping that during the time Akko would be spending waiting for the tree to be safe, she would stumble across a situation where she expresses gratitude and discover the word herself.

I mean, Ursula discovered the word at the tree as well, and she wasn't in any danger. Hell she didn't even climb it. She discovered the word for gratitude when Croix gave her support and told her to embrace destiny, and Ursula was grateful.
May 29, 2017 11:16 PM

Jul 2016
The bond between Chariot and Akko have gone strong on this episode.
May 29, 2017 11:25 PM

Sep 2014
Jonesy974 said:
FlamepriesT said:

That logic doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Ursula is showing Akko the way because she wants Akko to find the words. But she clearly didn't want Akko to go. Not only that, she was also clearly surprised when she was told that Akko went there. So she really meant it and didn't expect Akko to go in the first place (otherwise she should have at the very least tailed Akko).

Let's assume Akko waits because it's dangerous to go now. How on Earth is she going to feel gratitude if the tree isn't dangerous anymore and therefore she won't need to be saved? There are no 2 ways about it - there's a clear hole in the story here, unless you use some really twisted logic to patch it. But even in that case, it would probably be so unconvincing and forced that the hole would still be there, whether or not you care about it.

The best I could think of is that maybe Ursula was hoping that during the time Akko would be spending waiting for the tree to be safe, she would stumble across a situation where she expresses gratitude and discover the word herself.

I mean, Ursula discovered the word at the tree as well, and she wasn't in any danger. Hell she didn't even climb it. She discovered the word for gratitude when Croix gave her support and told her to embrace destiny, and Ursula was grateful.

Watch those flashbacks again and you'll see Chariot clearly attempts to climb it. Aside from that, the idea of Akko finding out the word without climbing the tree doesn't make any sense.

First of all, if the tree were unnecessary, then it'd be a useless threat that doesn't teach you the word. Why would Ursula even talk about it then? That alone makes the whole endeavor pointless.

In other words, there's no reason to bring up to topic at all. But even if she ended up doing so for yet another most convenient reason, forgetting to explain that the tree serves no purpose whatsoever would be extremely incompetent of Ursula. Especially when she's well aware of who she's dealing with. We're talking about Akko here - the most reckless witch in the entire school.

All in all, if the tree were useless, everyone's behavior in this episode would be completely irrational. They all behave under the assumption that facing the "tree challenge" is a necessary part of the process. That includes not only Ursula, but also Croix and Diana who happened to talk about it in the episode. On top of all that, it would be extremely convenient that none of the 3 ever explained to Akko that the tree was nothing but a threat.
May 30, 2017 12:14 AM

Aug 2015
Kodomo_R said:
Why the fucking hell is Chariot still hiding her identity? Is it because she just wants to make Akko keep going?

She doesn't want to spoil Akko, aside from that as of the moment seeing Chariot is her only motivation for finding the words.
May 30, 2017 12:14 AM

Aug 2013
FlamepriesT said:
Jonesy974 said:

The best I could think of is that maybe Ursula was hoping that during the time Akko would be spending waiting for the tree to be safe, she would stumble across a situation where she expresses gratitude and discover the word herself.

I mean, Ursula discovered the word at the tree as well, and she wasn't in any danger. Hell she didn't even climb it. She discovered the word for gratitude when Croix gave her support and told her to embrace destiny, and Ursula was grateful.

Watch those flashbacks again and you'll see Chariot clearly attempts to climb it. Aside from that, the idea of Akko finding out the word without climbing the tree doesn't make any sense.

First of all, if the tree were unnecessary, then it'd be a useless threat that doesn't teach you the word. Why would Ursula even talk about it then? That alone makes the whole endeavor pointless.

In other words, there's no reason to bring up to topic at all. But even if she ended up doing so for yet another most convenient reason, forgetting to explain that the tree serves no purpose whatsoever would be extremely incompetent of Ursula. Especially when she's well aware of who she's dealing with. We're talking about Akko here - the most reckless witch in the entire school.

All in all, if the tree were useless, everyone's behavior in this episode would be completely irrational. They all behave under the assumption that facing the "tree challenge" is a necessary part of the process. That includes not only Ursula, but also Croix and Diana who happened to talk about it in the episode. On top of all that, it would be extremely convenient that none of the 3 ever explained to Akko that the tree was nothing but a threat.

Doesn't the blame kind of fall on Croix then? She was the one who planted the idea about the tree in Akko's head originally. Had she not done that (knowing that Akko would go after anything Chariot related, probably to intentionally try and get her to lose her powers), she might not have ever learned about the tree in the first place, and Ursula would've never had to have the conversation.

Still doesn't explain the plothole of Ursula not straight up telling Akko that the tree has nothing to do with getting the word.
May 30, 2017 1:52 AM
Jul 2018
i sure wished she lost her future
i would have given it 10/10 if she did and ended in a tragedy so far it remains 2/10
May 30, 2017 3:03 AM
Jul 2011
I think the actual "tree challenge" is to loose something dear and reconcile with it.
Like Chariot loosed Croix's friendship.

Also maybe in the beginning Croix didn't hate her former friend but latter became bitter.
Not sure why but eventually something about Chariot not discovering all the words and not unlocking the Grand Triskelion.
Croix never wanted Ursula dead, only wanted to torment her by destroying her hope.
She could easily kill or just lock Chariot somewhere after their first fight but she didn't do that.
May 30, 2017 3:07 AM
Aug 2016
Best episode so far
many feels
also Croix still have a soft spot towards Chariot

still there are some question need more to be answer
May 30, 2017 4:33 AM

Jan 2010
SeijiroUshio said:
Kodomo_R said:
Why the fucking hell is Chariot still hiding her identity? Is it because she just wants to make Akko keep going?

She doesn't want to spoil Akko, aside from that as of the moment seeing Chariot is her only motivation for finding the words.

That kind of feels like she's using who she is to manipulate Akko. Akko's quest currently seems a bit empty for me. I think Chariot should reveal who she is and just spend more time with Akko as Chariot to tutor her and somehow inspire her to find her own reason for finding the words. I know her goal will always be to be like Chariot, but let it be for some grander reason not just so that she can meet with Chariot.
May 30, 2017 5:09 AM
Sep 2012
Maybe the last word is honesty, because Chariot is not showing honesty in this episode, keeping important information from Akko and still didn't learn that lesson.

What could happen, Diana is going to figure out Chariot's identity, going to tell Akko, and they she will confront on Ursula on this. That or Croax will tell Akko and than she will confront Ursula on this.

The two adult characters, I am sure frustrated and mad at Ursula for being like that, she is almost as bad as Croax.
May 30, 2017 6:32 AM

Aug 2015
Kodomo_R said:
SeijiroUshio said:

She doesn't want to spoil Akko, aside from that as of the moment seeing Chariot is her only motivation for finding the words.

That kind of feels like she's using who she is to manipulate Akko. Akko's quest currently seems a bit empty for me. I think Chariot should reveal who she is and just spend more time with Akko as Chariot to tutor her and somehow inspire her to find her own reason for finding the words. I know her goal will always be to be like Chariot, but let it be for some grander reason not just so that she can meet with Chariot.

That's just for now though I've got a feeling that Prof. Ursula/Chariot will lose her powers due to her apprenntly being exposed to Wagandrea's pollen that will result her to lose her disguise as Ursula and Akko will wish for her magic back. Then there's Croix's evillish plan.

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